Protect Your Home and Our Mountain!
This Newsletter brings you very important information for the protection of you and your neighbors.
The SSPOA has been active though various committees and meetings in addressing the issues of wildfire preparedness and mitigation at Silver Star. As we all clearly remember from 2021 the wildfire, the threat was very apparent
In cooperation with the RDNO the SSPOA sent 2 representatives to the FireSmart BC Conference in Kamloops on May 11 and 12, 2022. This conference focused on community-led initiatives wildfire management and prevention in BC. A full report is available by request: at
How can you do your Part?
FireSmart Chipping Event Moved to July 12-15: Make sure you take advantage of the Silver Star FireSmart Community Chipping Program this year.
The Silver Star FireSmart Community Chipping Program offers free curbside removal and chipping of highly flammable plant and shrub materials to homeowners. This program has been delayed due to the late snow cover this year. Take this opportunity to FireSmart your home and property this year!
Homeowners will need to cut trees and prune branches above the roots and pile them curbside for pick up and chipping. PLEASE PLACE WITH BUT ENDS FACING THE ROAD.
The goal of this program is to reduce the wildfire fuel levels on private properties at Silver Star. For homeowners and residents, this is the most significant and immediate step that you can take to protect your property.
To better plan the Chipping Event the FireSmart Committee will be canvasing the community to answer all of your FireSmart questions and concerns and determine if you would be available to volunteer some community time. Alternatively, please email to volunteer or if you have questions.
What materials will NOT be picked up as part of this program?
Grasses, flowers, bulk pine needles, and other small plant materials are not eligible for pickup through this program. Please ensure all acceptable material put out for pickup does not contain roots, dirt, rocks, gravel or non-organic material as they can damage the chipper blades.
What do I do if I am unable to Firesmart my property this year?
The SSPOA has confirmed with the following contractors that they are available and knowledgeable on the FireSmart requirements, and offer their contacts without any recommendation:
Craig Moore, Rider Ventures Phone 778-212-5567
John Davies, Frontline Operations Phone 250-540-3473
Dan Streichert, Dan-O Contracting Phone 250-308-7286
Hal Higgins Phone 250-309-9719
FireSmart Education Event:
Saturday June 25th from 1:00 Pm to 4:00 PM, Silver Star Firehall
This event will offer you the opportunity to learn about the various proactive efforts you can do to FireSmart your property as well as gaining knowledge on Silver Star Fire Rescue’s preparedness for Structural Protection and their wildfire support.
On hand will be members of the Silver Star FireSmart Committee, Silver Star Fire Fighters, Wildfire specialists, BX Swan Lake Fire Rescue’s Wildfire Structure Specialists with their SPU (Structure Protection Unit) trailer, Vernon SAR, etc.
Take the opportunity to stop by and learn more about how to make our community safe!

SSPOA FireSmart Committee Member Warner Grunewald receiving a tour of Coldstream Fire Department’s Sprinkler Protection System from fire fighter Nathan Betz

One of the sprinkler’s and the improvised mount to allow for sprinkler attachment to a residential roof
Wildfire Steering Committee:
The SSPOA formed a Steering Committee to address the need for a Silver Star Wildfire Pre Plan
The Committee members:
Mike Waberski - President SSPOA and Committee Co-Chair
Brad Baker - Operations Director, Silver Star Mountain Resort
Norm Crerar - Chair, SSPOA FireSmart Committee
Marty Howells - Deputy Chief, Silver Star Fire Service
Michel Woodman - Committee Member, SSPOA FireSmart Committee
Ross Foden - Vice President SSPOA and Committee Co-Chair
The Committee was in the process of developing a Request For Proposals to develop a Wildfire Pre Plan for the Silver Star Property Owners Association, and while in the process the RDNO informed the Committee that they had engaged a consultant to prepare such a plan for BX and Silver Star. Highlights to date:
- The RDNO Utilities Department has retained Kevin Dalgarno to prepare a wildfire pre-plan similar to the one that he prepared for Anglemont, BC.
- The expectation is that the report may not address all the wants but will form the basis of next steps.
- The RDNO Utilities Department’s involvement as lead is focused on water supply and emergency readiness of that water supply and will expand into wildfire issues as they deem it appropriate and within scope.
- Kevin Delgarno met with the SSPOA steering committee before the initial draft was prepared.
- Emergency Evac is not in scope and will be addressed separately.
What is Community Structure Protection Plan?
The goal of this plan is to provide response agencies with a strategic framework to use for the protection of improved properties or other values at risk in the event of a significant wildfire. This plan recognizes the capability of the local fire department and the contributions that can be made by local, regional and provincial fire service resources.
The information contained in this plan was developed for use with wildfire operations, however an incident management team may find this a valuable tool in any disaster situation. Experience has proven that many homeowners will be reluctant to leave their home and belongings when an evacuation is ordered. Preplanning and education of the community prior to an incident is imperative for a successful operation. Local authorities and community leaders are encouraged to inform their residents on evacuation processes and procedures.
What is the Purpose of a Pre-plan
To create a Pre-plan management template for use by the the Office of the Fire Commissioner (OFC) working with British Columbia Wildfire Service (BCWS) and their Structure Protection Specialist (SPS) that enhances response assessment to Wildland Urban Environment (WUE) events affecting communities by:
- Soliciting local information through a timely and simple process in a widely accessible medium.
- Explicitly including the priorities of local communities.
- Providing a means to Pre-plan and share situational awareness in response planning with convergent first responders who arrive at WUE events with limited understanding of local geographic, economic, environmental, and social/cultural issues.
- Leveraging available technologies to achieve objectives 1-3 above.
The intention of developing this plan is twofold.
Part I is general information intended for review and implementation during non-emergency periods by local communities and partners.
Part II is a more detailed section intended to provide an incoming Incident Management Team or Structure Protection Specialist with accurate predetermined structural and cultural priorities requiring protection as well as to identify tactical and operational information as necessary.
Help Wanted! Keep your Community Safe Year Round
Come out 25 June and find out how you can be part of protecting our valuable community.
Are you looking for a different kind of way to be involved in your community? The Silver Star Fire Department is looking for paid, on-call fire fighters to join the department.
The SSFD responds to emergencies in the community, which include medical emergencies, fires, and vehicle incidents. The Firefighters also regularly train every Tuesday night, as well as attend other training sessions through the year.
Currently the SSFD, at 14 members, are looking to add more passionate and talented individuals to their team.

Does this sound like something you’re interested in? Curious? STOP BY ON JUNE 25th AND FIND OUT
To become a recruit firefighter, you must live at Silver Star or along Silver Star Road but not below the Foothills – this is because you need to be available, on-call and be able to get to the Firehall in a safe and quick manner.
FIRE Evacuation
The Silver Star Property Owners Association’s Wildfire Steering Committee attended the Evacuation Plan Exercise on May 5th hosted by the Regional District of the North Okanagan. The members of the Wildfire Steering Committee discussed the critical nature of the Deafies Forest Service Road as a secondary evacuation route from Silver Star. While Silver Star Road remains the main evacuation route and needs to be fire proofed, the Committee believes that the maintenance of the Deafies FSR route should be a priority in the RDNO’s Evacuation Plan.
We hope to see the final report in the coming weeks.
Stay informed with new Regional District Online Platform
The new RDNO online platform allows residents to create a profile, then connect their water utility account to their profile and sign up for e-billing. Customers through this portal will also have access to historical billings on their account. MORE IMPORTANTLY, THE RDNO WILL BE ABLE TO REACH YOU DIRECTLY VIA EMAIL IN EVENT OF AN EMERGENCY!
To sign up customers just need an email address to create the profile. Once the profile is created, they can link their water utility bill, they just need a previous RDNO bill that shows their account number and access code which is located on their water utility bill.
This will be especially useful to our international residents as they won't have to wait for the mail to receive their water bills.