
 Silver Star Evacuation Route

RDNO Silver Star Evacuation Operation Guide (PDF) Spring 2022


 Silver Star Protection Plan

RDNO Silver Star Community Structure Protection Plan (PDF) (June 2022)

FireSmart Videos to Watch

Logan Lake Town was Prepared for Wildfire

A video regarding fire preparedness at Logan Lake Town survives behemoth wildfire after years of preparation, fire mitigation

Logan Lake was prepared and ready when a 63,000-hectare wildfire started heading toward their community.

White Rock Lake Wildfire

Have you ever wondered what Structure Protection crews do when wildfires threaten communities?
Neill Moroz, Structure Protection Specialist, has been working on the White Rock Lake wildfire for several weeks now. In this video, Neill provides an overview of what the Structure Protection Branch does on a wildfire and shares some stories of the tireless work crews have been doing.

 Structure protection practice in Sparwood August 12, 2022

How BC Wildfire Service responds to wildfires: Structure protection

A look inside structure protection efforts in the Apex community

Silver Star is a now a recognized FireSmart Community!

FireSmart is a community project initiated by the BC Wildfire Service.  Participating FireSmart communities show that they are taking the steps necessary to build truly wildfire resilient communities.

Details on the Fire Smart program

To contact your FireSmart Committee or to find out who your neighborhood pod FireSmart captain is please contact:

Silver Star's 2023 FireSmart chipping will take place June 15 - 30.  More specific details will be provided this spring.



Thank you to all the property owners who have Fire Smarted their lots and to all the VERY hard working volunteers who haul it off to the chipper, an annual summer project!

This year the FireSmart chipping event will take place July 12-15, 2022.  Please have your brush and branches piled up at the side of the road.
