Postponement of your AGM
The Board of Directors of the Silver Star Property Owners Association has decided to postpone the 2020 Annual General Meeting (AGM). The current Provincial Health regulations do not allow for gatherings of the nature of the SSPOA AGM, and that won’t change by the end of the year when our meeting is usually scheduled. We are also conscious that attempting to schedule an AGM during this winter season is likely to disenfranchise out of province and overseas owners.
Guiding our decision, on April 8th, 2020 there was a Ministerial Order (M098) made by under the Emergency Act Program, and it currently remains in force. You can read the directive in it's entirety by going to:
As a result, we will schedule the delayed AGM to ensure compliance with the rules in force at the time and with an eye to being able to include as many members as possible.
The directors whose terms were to expire have agreed to extend their appointment until the next AGM can be held. We will continue to keep SSPOA members informed as we get through this difficult time.
As a not-for-profit Society, we are totally reliant on collecting membership fees to fund operations and build our reserves for future activities. We generally collect a significant proportion of those membership fees at the door of the AGM and we are concerned that being unable to hold an AGM will have a significant negative impact on the SSPOA’s finances this year. Please support your Association and pay your 2021 membership fees online or by mail.
Details of how to register for can be found at .
Your Board of Directors wishes you the best for this trying holiday season and hoping for a better 2021. Stay healthy and safe.
The Board
Silver Star Property Owners Association