2018 AGM Minutes, December 29, 2018
- Meeting called to order: 4:06 78 owners with voting cards and their guests in attendance
Sandy introduced the executive. She noted the loss of Marnie Gilchrist at the age of 91 this past Thursday.
- Approval of the Agenda: M/S/C
- Approval of the Minutes: M/S/C
4. President’s Report on 2019 Issues and Activities
- Highway Clean-up – prior to bike season – Thank you to Patti Wild for once again co-ordinating this project
- FireSmart – chipping program this summer – Thank you to all who set up the program and those that participated
- RDNO administration fee – increased this year as opposed to the reduction we negotiated last year
- Three additional mailboxes added this year. Thank you to Mike Waberski who had the boxes moved to inside the shelter.
- No recycling up here after January 1st other than cardboard. We have had discussions with Amanda Shatzko and Nicole Kohnert at RDNO
- New Area C Representative through RDNO is Amanda Shatzko.
- Treasurer`s Report – distributed in the package. Sheryl Bolton spoke to the financials for the end of the year. M/S/C
Budget for 2019 – Sheryl reviewed the proposed budget. M/S/C
- Member Engagement – Loreen Ruault reported
To date we have 571 members of our association. 476 belong in Strata Properties. Members must sign into the website by registering on-line. Strata Members could encourage their Strata Managers to let their members know. There are only 232 active members on the website.
The only source of income for the Association is the dues. Now that we are undertaking major projects that may involve expenditures not undertaken before, we will have to consider other available options.
- Safe Communities – Maura McCarthy
- Ski Engraving – We are in a very low crime area, but there are instances that have happened. Mark your skis. Crimestoppers may be coming up to assist with engraving.
- One Way on Monashee – This is not happening this year due to budget concerns.
- Reminder – there is No Parking on the roads at all. Please inform guests and renters that they cannot park on the road. They also cannot park overnight in the Silver Star Day Parking Lots as they are cleared of snow at night. There isn`t an easy answer to the problem of parking. More signage is required.
- FireSmart presentation was done here a week ago. It was very well done. There are things that individuals can do. Within 1.5m of the house there should be nothing that can catch fire. Up to 10 m should be fire resistant – remove debris. Chat with your neighbours. Pruning your trees up 2m is recommended. Need volunteers for a FireSmart community.
- Utilities Services Committee- Mike Waberski
- Star Gas – we spent months at the Utilities Commission in 2016/2017 arguing our rates. We got a reduction of $1.60 /GJ in our delivery rates. The rate for conversion to gas has dropped to $25. We are still paying more per gigajoule than in the valley so have work to do on this.
- Silverhawk – the work is ongoing and remains a problem. Mike reviewed the work done to date highlighting that we pay 3x what other people pay for sewage. Water payments are paid to the RDNO, sewage payments to Silverhawk. Rate committee was to be established with two members from Silverhawk and two members from Silver Star. We`ve asked when and if this committee has ever been established and if they`ve met. No answer. To build and/or reconnect to sewer the price has increased significantly and the number of pillows has been increased. Results of meeting in Victoria are a little disappointing. We heard they were very busy and their agendas are full so it won`t be considered until this coming February. We will continue to pursue options with government in 2019. We want action on the part of various Ministries. We want to see positive momentum toward resolving the issues. Thank you to Ross Foden, Sandy Cook and Cathy Clark for their work on the Committee. We are formulating a strategy on where and how we go forward on this issue.
- Other Business – Murray Thom asked about the RDNO Administrative Fee - there has never been a declaration where that money is being spent. We are still pursuing the answers to this question.
10. Executive Nominations and Elections
Mike asked if there are any further nominations from the floor. There are no further nominations. The Board is acclaimed with Ross Foden and Bill Crum as new members of the board and Sandy Cook, Loreen Ruault and Cathy Clark re-elected
- Adjournment – 5:30 PM M/S/C