SSPOA Committee
Terms Of Reference


Chair: Ross Foden
Members: Eric Dickie, Jake Baziuk, Mike Waberski (SSPOA President)

1. Ongoing Terms of Reference

1.1 Meet with appropriate officials to determine opportunities for the Association to improve the delivery of utility services to the property owners of Silver Star
1.1.1 Monitor Stargas Utilities applications to the BC utilities commission and if necessary intervene on behalf of the association;
1.1.2 Liaise with the Regional District on operation and improvements to their water systems and the impact these may have on the residents of Silver Star;
1.1.3 Liaise with the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, Ministry of Health and other government bodies regarding the delivery of services;
1.1.4 Monitor Silver Hawk Utilities Billing practices and annual reports

1.2 Provide timely information to members via the association on current initiatives and review any feedback from the membership.

2. Specific Terms of Reference for 2016

2.1 Liaise with the BC utilities Commission (BCUC) to obtain Intervenor Status;
2.2 Establish a working group to review and propose submission details for the BCUC intervention;
2.3 Develop a brief outlining concerns to be presented to the BCUC for Board approval;
2.4 Liaise with the Regional District of North Okanagan regarding the water line flushing schedule to ensure minimum disruption to property owners;
2.5 Investigate the possibility of quarterly billing for water

3. Budget 2016 to be determined

4. Chair Responsibilities

4.1 Monitor the Terms of Reference and the budget throughout the year to ensure that the Committee remains on target and on budget;
4.2 Ensure all activities are conducted in accordance with Board policy;
4.3 Approve all agendas and minutes of the Committee;
4.4 Supply the SSPOA Board with a copy of the minutes once approved by the Committee;
4.5 Update the Board on progress and obtain approval for any external communications;
4.6 Prepare an annual written report for the members by December 15th; and
4.7 Review the Terms of Reference and budget and make recommendations for the following year by December 15th.

Member Engagement Committee Terms Of Reference 

Chair: Loreen Ruault (SSPOA Director)
Members: Sherryl Bolton (SSPOA Director), Mike Waberski (SSPOA President)
The following terms of reference outline why and how the committee is expected to function and how this fits in the overall work of the Silver Star Property Owners Association (SSPOA).

1. Purpose

1.1 To assist with the recruitment of members to the SSPOA.
1.2 To establish and maintain a complete and current member data base.
1.3 To maintain a Web Site for the SSPOA in conjunction with the Contract Web Administrator.
1.4 To guide the SSPOA’s delivery of newsletters and website postings for the membership.
1.5 To foster mechanisms for dialogue and engagement with the membership.

2. Accountability

2.1 The committee is accountable to the SSPOA Board of Directors.
2.2 The committee will provide a written report to the Board for presentation at each board meeting.
2.3 On an annual basis, the committee will provide a written report to the membership.
2.4 These terms of reference shall be reviewed on an annual basis by the committee itself with any updates brought forward to the Board of Directors for confirmation as appropriate.

3. Responsibilities

3.1 Membership lists and data base maintenance
3.2 Newsletter production and delivery
3.3 Website Content (working with the Contact Web Administrator)
3.4 Maintain a current calendar of events and programs on the website.
3.5 Determine what data and information needs to be collected for an informed membership.
3.6 Establish mechanisms to deliver and archive information for the SSPOA members.

4. Committee composition

4.1 SSPOA President as ex-officio member.
4.2 Two Directors of the SSPOA
4.3 Plus 3 – 6 members – from the membership.
4.4 No specific skill set required, but a willingness to participate in an active manner is desired.
4.5 Knowledge with newsletter composition and/or website uploading would be an asset for recruitment.

5. Chair selection

The Chair shall be appointed by the SSPOA Board of Directors and can be any member of the committee.

6. Term of office

6.1 Two years.
6.2 For continuity purposes it will be desirable to have some members initially serve one year in order to create overlapping vacancies (i.e. only half of the positions coming up each year).

7. Frequency of meetings

7.1 As determined by the Chair.
7.2 Meetings may be in-person or via teleconference or videoconference.

8. Contractor liaison

SSPOA FireSmart Committee Terms of Reference DRAFT 2.0

The following terms of reference outline why and how the committee is expected to function and how these fit in the overall work of the Silver Star Property Owners Association (SSPOA).

1.0 Committee Composition

1.1 SSPOA Director, as ex-officio and SSPOA Board Liaison
1.2 Committee members – from the community who have an interest in FireSmart
1.3 No specific skill set required, but a willingness to participate in an active manner is desired.
1.4 The Chair, as selected and recommended by the FireSmart Committee, shall be appointed by the SSPOA Board of Directors and can be any member of the committee.

Chair: Norm Crerar
Vice Chair: Rob Tupper
Secretary: Theresa Makelki

Tammy Baker

Gary Esau

Joe Gardner

Elaine Gruenwald

Warner Grunewald

Bonnie Junkins

Don Junkins

Don Junkins

Barry McDougall

Michel Woodman

Lorna Wood


2.0 Ongoing Terms of Reference

2.1 Meet with appropriate officials to determine opportunities for the Association to improve the delivery of FireSmart services to the property owners of Silver Star
2.2 Monitor FireSmart BC and FireSmart Canada for changes and updates to their programs.
2.3 Liaise with the Regional District through the SSPOA Board Liaison on funding and operational opportunities.
2.4 Liaise with other local and regional FireSmart programs to co-ordinate activities if appropriate and to exchange ideas.2.5 Provide timely information to members via the SSPOA Board on current  initiatives and review any feedback from the membership.

3.0 Specific Terms of Reference for 2021-22

3.1 Liaise with FireSmart BC and FireSmart Canada for funding and grant opportunities.
3.2 Liaise and work with Silver Star Mountain Resort and their FireSmart challenges. 3.3 Liaise and coordinate with SSFR and their responsibilities as First Responders

4. Chair Responsibilities

4.1 Monitor the Terms of Reference and the budget throughout the year to ensure that the Committee remains on target and on budget;
4.2 Ensure all activities are conducted in accordance with Board policy and these Terms of Reference;
4.3 Approve all agendas and minutes of the Committee;
4.4 Supply the SSPOA Board, through the Board Liaison, with a copy of the minutes once approved by the Committee;
4.5 Update the Board Liaison on progress and obtain approval for any external communications.

5.0 Accountability

5.1 The committee is accountable to the SSPOA Board of Directors;
5.2 The committee will provide a written report to the Board for presentation at each board meeting through the SSPOA Board Liaison;
5.3 Prepare an annual written report for the SSPOA members by December 15th;
5.4 These terms of reference shall be reviewed on an annual basis by the committee itself with any updates brought forward to the Board of Directors for confirmation as appropriate.
5.5 Budget 2021-22 to be determined

6.0 Frequency of meetings

6.1 As determined by the Chair